Woodblock printing is a traditional form of printmaking in which an image is carved into a block of wood, then inked and pressed onto paper or fabric. The process first involves the artist sketching a composition onto the block, then carving out the areas that are meant to be left blank, leaving the raised areas as the image to be printed. The block is then inked using a roller, and paper or fabric is placed on top of the block and rubbed by hand or using a print press to transfer the ink to the paper. This process can be repeated with different colors and layers to create more complex images. Woodblock printing is known for its bold and graphic style, and has been used for centuries to create prints, illustrations, and even textiles. Today, it is still used by artists and printmakers around the world to create unique and beautiful works of art.
横 100縦 55 (cm)
Woodblock printing is a traditional form of printmaking in which an image is carved into a block of wood, then inked and pressed onto paper or fabric. The process first involves the artist sketching a composition onto the block, then carving out the areas that are meant to be left blank, leaving the raised areas as the image to be printed. The block is then inked using a roller, and paper or fabric is placed on top of the block and rubbed by hand or using a print press to transfer the ink to the paper. This process can be repeated with different colors and layers to create more complex images. Woodblock printing is known for its bold and graphic style, and has been used for centuries to create prints, illustrations, and even textiles. Today, it is still used by artists and printmakers around the world to create unique and beautiful works of art.
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勝川春章/美人画』検)蔵出し在銘彩色手摺木版画江戸浮世絵師役者絵歌舞伎絵風俗画春画芸者舞妓花魁日本画人物画摺物大判錦絵画集模写紙本(美人画)|売買されたオークション情報、Yahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!) の商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(aucfan.com)
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